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Noctural Wanderer (Yeyoushen, 夜遊神)

Lumenis Theatre Company in association with The Arts House, in Conjunction with the Singapore Writers Festival presented, in 2013,  a reading of Nocturnal Wanderer, a play by Gao Xingjian ( 高行健), the first Chinese recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature.


A staged reading of Nobel Prize winning author Gao Xingjian’s Nocturnal Wanderer (Yeyoushen, 《夜遊 神》), the play is a fascinating tragicomedy of brilliant dark humour and sublime surrealism about dreaming, love and the meaning of life. Through his nocturnal wanderings in his dreams, the central character, Sleepwalker, meets some very unusual people and strange things start to happen. Because anything can happen, in dreams. Performed in Chinese with English subtitles.  







1940年出生于中国江西省。1997年入籍法国,说得一口流利的法语。代表作《灵山》(1989)及《一个人的圣经》(1998)让他在学术及艺术工作上有跨领域的优异表现。这位在2000年荣获诺贝尔文学奖的小说家,翻译家, 剧作家,导演,评论家,及艺术家,目前致力于创新电影创作。他的第三部电影作品《美丽安魂曲》将在2013新加坡作家节全球首映。

Directed by Lee Chee Keng

Produced by David Ahlbrecht

Gao Xingjian

Born in 1940 in Jiangxi province, China, Gao Xingjian has been a French citizen since 1997 and speaks fluent French. Renowned for acclaimed novels like Soul Mountain (1989) and One Man’s Bible (1998), he has built up a career diverse both in academia and artistic disciplines. The novelist, translator, dramatist, director, critic and artist was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2000. He currently devotes much of his time to innovative film-making and his third film Requiem for Beauty will have its world premiere at the Singapore Writers Festival 2013.

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